Jens 'n' Frens
Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

"A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures."
  -- Daniel Webster

Friday, April 05, 2002 :::

About to head to the Republican state convention. Should be interesting...

::: posted by Steven at 12:35 PM

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Thursday, April 04, 2002 :::
I watched some speed-skating during the Olympics. Dave Barry isn't exaggerating. It really is as random as he says. Or appears so to us non-enthusiasts.

::: posted by Steven at 2:03 PM

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Let me get this straight: one of the detainees at Gitmo appears to have been born American. And this means we're supposed to treat him better?

::: posted by Steven at 2:01 PM

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It looks like the amnesty crowd is back in force. Better respond.

Dear Representative Capuano,

I've read that the House just passed a new amnesty program for illegal immigrants -- "Section 245(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act" -- and I'd like to know the details of this.

I have a friend, a Russian citizen, who is in the country legally. She was a student here on an F-1 visa, and is now working legally with H-1 status. She pays taxes, speaks English as well as she does Russian, and -- as is the case for many foreigners -- appreciates America more than most natives do. She is approximately as likely to commit an act of terrorism as you or I, and probably commits fewer traffic offenses (fewer than I do, anyway). As an American, I'd be proud to have her as a fellow citizen.

Would she be eligible under this program? Or would she have to violate the law to qualify?

Thanks for your help.

::: posted by Steven at 1:54 PM

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Having written the bulk of this, I'd like to add a
preamble that I'm not usually quite this negative, but
I've put a fair amount of time and effort into the
Rappaport campaign over the last few months. Maybe
I'll be in a brighter mood after some time, some beer,
and possibly -- I haven't decided yet -- some
desecration of these Romney signature sheets I have.


Mitt Romney, who is doing quite well with the swing
voters, but of whom many conservatives are skeptical,
decided today to "diversify" his ticket by endorsing
an unknown fellow moderate for Leutenant Governor over
a moderate/conservative pro-gun, anti-tax candidate
who is known and (not universally, but generally)
liked and respected by the Republican grassroots.

I think I've got this figured out.

You know how most candidates try to solidify their
base at the beginning of the campaign, work on the
secondary voters toward the middle, and then pick up
the swing votes at the end? Romney's just taking the
opposite approach.

He started by getting some of the same people who
helped him lose in '94, plus a few of the usual
opportunist hacks. Now, having refused to sign the
anti-tax pledge, he's alienated the Republican
activists who have been helping Jim Rappaport -- the
only Republican candidate for Lt. Governor who has
been running since before Tuesday. His declaration
two weeks ago that he'd stay out of the race for Louie
Gov was made to emphasize today's high-class mooning.
Later on, he'll alienate the other Republicans, and
eventually the "Unenrolled" voters as well.

Given this goal, Kerry Murphy Guerriero -- or whatever
her name is -- would make a fine running mate. Her
experience as a two-time, two-to-one loser in one of
the most Republican legislative districts in the state
nicely complements his experience losing the Senate
race in '94.

My congratulations to Carla Howell. She won't derail
Governor-to-be O'Brien, but at least she'll put up a

Steven Jens
Republican delegate from Cambridge

::: posted by Steven at 1:50 PM

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Wednesday, April 03, 2002 :::
You know what'd be cool? An email interface to this.

::: posted by Steven at 10:37 PM

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I sent this to the Boston Globe on March 20. If it was published, I missed it.

Several Democratic candidates for governor have
attacked Mitt Romney for his practice at Bain Capital
of running companies more for the benefit of investors
than for employees.

This is, indeed, an issue we voters should consider
this November -- should the government be run for the
benefit of state workers, or for the benefit of us taxpayers?

::: posted by Steven at 10:30 PM

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Sorry about that test-post. Pay no attention to the man in front of the curtain.

I'll start by copying a few old things here. Here's a letter I sent to the Cambridge Chronicle, published on or about March 7.

Let me get this straight.

Instead of voting themselves personal assistants two
years ago, the city councillors gave themselves a big raise.
They've allocated for a new council staff member -- a
position which hasn't even been filled -- but that's not
enough for Toomey, who thinks that those councillors who
oppose providing themselves with an individual staff
member don't "respect" themselves.

The real question is whether they respect us. Mayor
Sullivan's comment -- "I don't like having a buffer between
councillors and constituents" -- indicates that he has the
humility, and the respect for us, that a City Councillor
should have. Does Toomey?

::: posted by Steven at 10:27 PM

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Auntie Em! Auntie Em! A twister! A twister!

::: posted by Steven at 10:15 PM

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Other Sites of Note
Townhall columnists Cambridge Republican City Committee
Cambridge Chronicle
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Boston Herald
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Commonwealth Mag
Fox News
Massachusetts Republican Assembly
Robert Benchley Society

U.S. Constitution
9/11 commission report [7 Meg PDF]
Iraq Survey Group report
Fahrenheight 9/11 deceits


Idle thoughts of a relatively libertarian Republican in Cambridge, MA, and whomever he invites. Mostly political.

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